jueves, diciembre 11, 2008

Nuevas peliculas de lynch

Inland empire
"Abandonen toda esperanza de lógica (...) tres horas de fascinante (a veces irritante) incoherencia (...) Lynch trata la pantalla como un lienzo en el que da forma a sus ideas abstractas. (...) Puntuación: ***1/2 (sobre 4)." (Peter Travers: Rolling Stone)
"Lynch perpetra un interminable desvarío. (...) lleva al paroxismo las obsesiones de su enfermizo cine." (Carlos Boyero: Diario El Mundo)
"Una macedonia de los peores tics de Lynch. (...) Dura 3 horas y no hay ni un solo minuto de ellas en el que el espectador haga pie." (E. Rodríguez Marchate: Diario ABC)
"En las afueras del sentido. (...) Lynch cumple, finalmente, el sueño de los surrealistas: lograr que el inconsciente doblegue de una vez por todas a la narrativa convencional. Aquí está la primera obra maestra del poscine." (Jordi Costa: Diario El País)

Y en el 2009 estrena ""
Brilliant and bizarre!, 11 October 2008
What a trip. You can't expect a conventional picture from Charlie Kaufman, but this was super weird! So weird that half the people left the theatre before the end, either confused or offended by what they saw. "
This movie was terrible. I'm sick and tired of people throwing a mess together and calling it art. This movie was exactly what it was mocking. It was just a mess inside another mess. The acting was the only thing impressive about this film. It just spiraled out of control to the point where you were wondering what was even happening, where the characters were, and what part of the jumbled chronological order you were witnessing."

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